Client: Rapalline in jazz
Study and realization:
logo, slogans, posters, concert programs,
posters, postcards, card and website.
Software: Indesign, Photoshop, illustrator,
Year: 2011-2017
Rapalline Jazz Festival, events created by the "Rapalline in Jazz" association. Le Rapalline in Jazz "is a non-profit association born from the meeting of nine people very different from each other, but united by a great passion for Jazz music. People who met every month, since August 2004, at the "Le Rapalline" restaurant on the occasion of the concerts that were organized within the club, The association was created to ensure that the project does not stop at the seven concerts organized in the restaurant "Le Rapalline", but gives the possibility to a wider audience to appreciate this kind of music. Over the years various initiatives and reviews have been promoted by the association, such as ALBENGA JAZZ FESTIVAL (third edition), ANGLICANA JAZZ NIGHTS, Live for Children (fourth edition) which takes place in Cisano sul Neva, photographic exhibitions.